While troubleshooting an issue, Technical Support may request to investigate the SQL database of a Forcepoint product. If the IP/hostname of the machine where the SQL database or instance is located is unknown, there are some methods available to obtain this information.
In most cases, the database location used across components is the SQL Server specified in the Forcepoint Management Infrastructure installer to be used for connection by the overarching Infrastructure web UI.
To find this information, perform the following:
Alternatively, the value should be in the following file or registry location:
The SQL Server location is configurable under the Forcepoint Web UI within the Settings > Reporting > Log Server page. Refer to Changing the SQL Server Account Used to Connect to the Log Database for more information.
Alternatively, the ODBC Data Source (32-bit) configuration can be checked to find the connection details. This is also available in the following registry location:
Forcepoint DLP pulls its SQL connection information from the Forcepoint Management Infrastructure. Please refer to the steps above.
The location is also available in the following files:
Line 14: <Resource name="jdbc/PaDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource" url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<SQL IP or Hostname>:1433
<Set name="jdbcUrl">
The SQL Server location is configurable under the Forcepoint Email Security UI within the Settings > Reporting > Log Server page. Please refer to Configuring Log Database Options for more information.
Alternatively, the ODBC Data Source (32-bit) configuration can be checked to find the connection details. This is also available in the following registry locations:
For general Log Database configuration information, please refer to Log Server and Log Database **Featured Article**.