Internal Error 2835. ErrorIcon, ErrorDialog
MSI (s) (E8:04) [03:33:22:302]: Product: Data Security -- Error 1720. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Custom action RegisterComponents script error -3, : Line 180, Column 5,
%DSS_HOME%tomcat\Logs\dlp\dlp-all.log on the DLP Manager Server: Client received SOAP Fault from server: WebMethodPerformer: Exception thrown: Query <END TRANSACTION;> failed ! Error: <database is locked> Please see the server log to find more detail regarding exact cause of the failure.
%DSS_HOME%Logs\FPR.log on the DLP Manager Server:
FATAL root - WebMethodPerformer: Exception thrown: Error in function CppSQLite3DB::execQuery. query <SELECT FILE_COLLECTION_ID,FPNE_REVISION FROM TB_FILE_COLLECTION WHERE FPNE_REVISION>=0 ORDER BY FILE_COLLECTION_ID;>, error <database is locked>, nRet <5>
ERROR Exception - Query <END TRANSACTION;> failed ! Error: <database is locked>
FATAL root - WebMethodPerformer: Exception thrown: Query <END TRANSACTION;> failed ! Error: <database is locked>
If above errors are present, restart the Websense Data Fingerprint Database service on the DLP Manager and repeat the registration process again. The procedure should now be successful.
If the issue persists, then access the Forcepoint Management Server as the DLP service account and complete a modify of both the Forcepoint Management Infrastructure and Forcepoint DLP installers and confirm that all of the DLP services are running before pressing the Retry button again on the Secondary Server.